LASCA Research Report 2013

1. Faculty

1.1 Professors

  • Julio Cesar López Hernández (Professor Associado II)
  • Paulo Lício de Geus (Professor Associado I)
  • Ricardo Dahab (Professor Associado I)

1.2 Students

Students advised by Prof. Julio Cesar López Hernández:

Students advised by Prof. Paulo Lício de Geus:

  • Edmar Roberto Santana de Rezende (PhD Student)
  • Marcelo Invert Palma Salas (PhD Student)
  • Otavio Augusto Araujo Silva (PhD Student)
  • Adriano Ricardo Ruggero (MsC Student)

Students advised by Prof. Ricardo Dahab:

2. Publications

3. Awards

  • Aug. 18, 2013 Best Paper Award at CHES 2013

    Best Paper Award at the 15th International Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (CHES 2013) for the publication of the article titled "Lambda Coordinates for Binary Elliptic Curves" authored by Thomaz Oliveira, Julio López, Diego F. Aranha and Francisco Rodríguez-Henríquez.

  • Oct. 1, 2013 Richard E Merwin Scholarship, IEEE Computer Society was awarded to Marcelo I. P. Salas

    This scholarship was created in honor of the late Richard E. Merwin, past president of the IEEE Computer Society, to recognize and reward student leadership.

4. Projects

  • BAMTA: Behavioral Analyzer for Mobile Threatening Apps
    • Coordinator(s):   Paulo Lício de Geus
    • Validity:               2013 - Current
    • Description:       Samsung sponsored. BAMTA dynamically analyzes Android applications, obtaining their network traffic, API function calls and system calls traces, and producing reports about their exhibited behavior.
  • BehEMOT: Behavior Evaluation from Malware Observation Tool
    • Coordinator(s):   Paulo Lício de Geus, André Ricardo Abed Grégio
    • Validity:               2010 - Current
    • Description:       A tool to analyze malware behavior in a non-intrusive and effective way that extends the analysis possibilities to cover malware samples that bypass current approaches, also fixing some issues with them and filling a gap in the field.
  • SICA: Energy-Efficient Security for SoC devices
    • Coordinator(s):   Julio Lopez
    • Validity:               2012 - 2016
    • Description:       Intel Labs announced the formation of the Intel Strategic Research Alliance (ISRA) for Energy-Efficient Security for SoC devices in Brazil. The focus of this research is to explore the implications of power constraints on the design and implementation of security in SoC devices. Security solutions (e.g. data encryption) significantly increase the processing requirements of the device and have become more computationally demanding.

5. LASCA Indicators

Professors: 4
MSc students: 1
PhD students: 3
Post-Docs: 2
Projects: 3
Publications: 4
MSc dissertations defended: 0
PhD theses defended: 0
Awards: 2

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Django Lab by Marcelo I. P. Salas
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